Write for your life: Ten Week Course


Write for your life: Ten Week Course


Thursday mornings from 10.30-12.30, new term starting Thursday 15th February 2024.

An online course guiding people through the rich and so often insightful world of life writing. It will take place on Thursday mornings.

Whether you would like to tell the story of your life, or a part of it, this course will help you to find the stories and find creative ways of writing them.

Janis has an MA in creative writing and personal development, and has run this popular course several times now. We spark into life writing through exploring different ways in; sense memories, places, people, objects, images and so on.

The ten week course costs £150, and all are welcome. No need at this stage to know what story you would like to focus on, as breathing life into different aspects of life story will be part of our journey. for more information email Janis on Janis@janismackay.com

Janis has written a memoir that focuses on a period when she went travelling in her early twenties that is called, In a Selkie’s Skin. She has also written a novel – the Watchmaker’s Wife - which is biographical fiction, based on the life of her grandmother.


Course fees can be paid via the button below, or you can pay via bank transfer.
To pay via transfer, please contact Janis for details at janis@janismackay.com
A deposit of £20 will be required, which is non-refundable.

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